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Home Gym Essentials: Curating Your Fitness Space

Home Gym Essentials Recommendations for Curating Your Fitness Space

Building a personal workout space?

Here are some home gym essentials and recommendations to help you curate the ideal fitness space for your needs.

When I first thought about setting up my home gym, it wasn’t because I had tons of money or loads of space. I just wanted the freedom to work out my way, and let’s be honest, public gyms and my social anxiety weren’t the best mix. As time went on and I saved up a bit, I picked up some really cool equipment that fit my vibe. So, here’s the scoop on how I pieced together home gym essentials for my workout spot.

Rubber Flooring: The Foundation of a Safe and Efficient Home Gym

Establishing a safe and durable foundation in your home gym is paramount, andย rubber flooring stands out as a top pick. Beyond its sleek aesthetic appeal, this type of flooring offers essential benefits, from absorbing shocks to preventing slips during workouts. Given the weight and intensity of gym equipment and routines, the floor needs to be resilient, and rubber aptly meets this requirement. It not only safeguards your equipment by reducing the impact but also minimizes noise, making your workout sessions quieter and more enjoyable. Another significant advantage is the ease of maintenance. A simple wipe-down post-workout keeps it clean, ensuring longevity. If you’re investing time, money, and energy in creating a dedicated fitness space, it’s crucial to start from the ground up. Rubber flooring provides a blend of functionality and aesthetics, setting the tone for a productive workout environment.

Fitness Factory EXM1 Home Gym with Leg Press built by Body-Solid

The crown jewel of my home gym setup, the Fitness Factory EXM1 by Body-Solid was the most significant investment, but for all the right reasons. This may not fall under your idea of a home gym essential, but this multi-gym, with its exceptional versatility, enabled me to perform over 30 different exercises, ensuring that every muscle group was catered to. From targeting the smaller stabilizing muscles to the larger dominant ones, this machine had me covered.

Its impressive weight stack, maxing out at 210 lbs, meant I had ample room for growth, progression, and variety in my workouts. I wasn’t just limited to upper body exercises; the added leg press was a game-changer. It allowed me to engage in intense lower-body exercises, making sure my legs received just as rigorous a workout as my upper body.

What sweetened the deal further was the financial flexibility it came with. Despite being the priciest item on my list, there was an option for 0% interest financing. When I broke it down and did the math, the investment was actually more economical than maintaining a long-term gym membership. After the initial cost, this multi-gym practically paid for itself. It’s not just about the money, though. The convenience, the freedom to workout any time, and the comfort of my own space without the anxiety of public gyms made every penny worth it.

Stability Ball: A Home Gym Must-Have for Core Workouts

An underrated gem! Beyond basic ab workouts, the stability ball has been a core component in enhancing my strength, balance, and stability for nearly a decade. It’s a fantastic tool for stretches, pilates, and even some strength exercises. In fact, with proper care and maintenance, mine has lasted about 10 years and counting. To keep it in prime condition, I regularly wipe it down after workouts to avoid any sweat or grime build-up. Periodic checks for signs of wear or punctures are essential, ensuring it remains safe for use. By inflating it to the correct pressure and storing it away from sharp objects and direct sunlight, its lifespan can be significantly extended. And remember, always use it on a non-slip surface, not just for the ball’s sake, but also for a safer workout.

Softbox (Plyo Box): Elevating Your Home Gym Workouts

The softbox, commonly known as the plyo box, became a dynamic part of my fitness toolkit, primarily designed for plyometric workouts. Jumping exercises executed with the box not only amplify leg strength but also play a crucial role in elevating cardiovascular endurance and agility.

For beginners, a typical progression starts with basic step-ups or box squats, ensuring comfort with the box’s height and stability. As confidence builds, one can progress to more dynamic movements like box jumps, lateral step-overs, or even burpee box jumps. It’s essential to begin with a lower box height, gradually increasing it as strength and confidence improve.

For those more advanced, the softbox can also be utilized for single-leg exercises, depth jumps, or incorporating weights to add resistance. The key is consistent progression, always challenging oneself while ensuring safety and proper form.

Workout Gloves: Hand Protection for Your Fitness Regime

A subtle yet invaluable addition, workout gloves have become an essential part of my fitness regime. They not only protect my hands during rigorous weight-lifting sessions but also ensure a superior grip, preventing calluses and blisters. The ideal pair is breathable, ensuring comfort even as the intensity rises. A perfect fit is paramount, as ill-fitting gloves can hinder performance. Additionally, these gloves give me the confidence to lift heavier weights without worrying about a slipping grip. I’ve curated a versatile collection over time, adding a touch of style to my workouts. Some are even tailored for my bike rides. Having multiple pairs proves handy, particularly when one set needs a wash.

Kettlebells: A Dynamic Home Gym Essential for Strength

Kettlebells have become an integral part of my fitness arsenal, introducing a dynamic twist to my routines. Their unique designโ€”with the weight off-centerโ€”means that my body has to work harder to stabilize, engaging more muscles in the process. From classic kettlebell swings that work the entire body to goblet squats targeting the lower body, the exercises are varied and challenging.

They’re versatile enough to integrate into both strength and cardio workouts. For example, the Turkish get-up is a multi-step move that improves functional strength, while kettlebell snatches can be incorporated into high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions. Their compact size also means they’re great for home workouts, not taking up much space but delivering a full-body workout. Plus, as I progressed, I found kettlebells to be an excellent tool for enhancing grip strength, challenging both my forearms and hand muscles.

Dumbbell Sets: Home Gym Recommendations for Versatile Strength Training

Incorporating dumbbells into my home gym was an intuitive choice. Their versatility is unmatched, catering to a vast array of exercises that span from upper to lower body. From shoulder presses to bicep curls and even Bulgarian split squats, dumbbells provided the flexibility to either isolate specific muscles or engage multiple muscle groups in compound movements.

Dumbbells are also incredibly space-efficient, making them perfect for home workouts. Their compact nature doesn’t compromise their potential; you can get a full-body workout just using these weights. Moreover, they allow for unilateral trainingโ€”working one side of the body at a timeโ€”helping address and correct any muscle imbalances.

Another advantage of dumbbells is the ease with which you can modify the intensity of exercises. By simply switching to a heavier or lighter set, you can adjust to the suitable resistance level for each movement. Personally, I began my journey with lighter pairs of 5 lb and 10 lb sets. As my strength and confidence grew, I gradually expanded my collection, reaching up to the 25 lb sets. It’s a testament to the role dumbbells have played in my evolving fitness journey.

Dumbbell Rack: Organizing Your Home Gym Essentials

Storing and organizing your weights efficiently is crucial to maintaining a tidy and functional home gym. The dumbbell rack plays an indispensable role in this, providing a structured space to store your free weights. Not only does it ensure your weights are easily accessible, but it also protects them from potential damage and reduces the risk of trip hazards.

While you might not see the need for a dumbbell rack if you’re using adjustable weights, given their compact nature, it’s an essential piece of equipment for those with multiple sets of weights. Personally, I’ve found my dumbbell rack incredibly versatile, allowing me to store not just my dumbbells but also my kettlebells and slam balls. The rack ensures everything is within arm’s reach, streamlining my workouts and ensuring no time is wasted searching for the right weight. If you’re looking to create a seamless and organized workout environment, investing in a dumbbell rack is a step in the right direction.

Adjustable Weights: Customizable Strength for Your Home Gym

Investing in adjustable weights has been one of the most strategic decisions in my home gym journey. At first, when I got my kettlebells, they felt too light, not quite offering the resistance I needed. But with adjustable weights, I quickly found the flexibility to calibrate the right weight, depending on the specific workout or exercise routine. This customization was invaluable, especially when progressing in strength training.

These weights have proven to be the epitome of efficiency, saving both space and money. Instead of purchasing numerous individual weights, I had the convenience of a single set that could transition into a barbell, dumbbells, or a kettlebell. This adaptability was pivotal as my fitness journey progressed. For instance, when my 25 lb dumbbells began feeling light, the adjustable set allowed me to continue pushing my limits without needing a whole new set of heavier dumbbells.

Looking ahead, as my budget permits, I have my eyes set on the Bowflex adjustable dumbbells. Given my personal experience using my brother’s set, their reputation, and the maximum weight they offer, they seem like the next logical addition and home gym essential to my evolving home gym setup. The adjustable dumbbell set from Finer Form is also on the list for consideration, but the maximum weight is currently 32.5 lb.

Top Selling Adjustable Dumbbells on Amazon

ProductURLPriceBest for
Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable DumbbellsLink$379.99Fitness enthusiasts
PowerBlock Elite DumbbellsLink$359.99Strength trainers
Yes4All Adjustable DumbbellsLink$279.00Home gym users
Core Fitness Adjustable DumbbellsLink$379.99Strength trainers
Merax Deluxe Adjustable DumbbellsLink$299.99Home gym users
CAP Barbell Adjustable Dumbbell SetLink$134.44Strength trainers
ATIVAFIT Adjustable DumbbellLink$359.99Fitness enthusiasts
ProForm Adjustable Dumbbell SetLink$299.99Home gym users

Please note that prices are subject to change.

Yoga Mat: Flexible Recommendations for Home and Outdoors

Measuring 6′ x 4′, my large workout mat has proven invaluable home gym essential for a variety of exercises, especially high-intensity workouts and bodyweight routines. Its expansive size ensures I have ample space to move around on this large workout mat, making transitions between exercises smoother and reducing the risk of stepping off the mat. This is particularly beneficial during movements that require more space, like burpees or jumping jacks. Compared to smaller workout mats, like yoga mats, the larger surface provides better protection against slips and offers consistent cushioning throughout my workouts. The only potential downside might be its portability; due to its size, it’s not as easy to transport as a smaller mat, but for home workouts, it’s unparalleled. My large mat does come with a waterproof carry bag with adjustable straps. The premium bag is also nice for storage, if needed.

Yoga Mat

While my large workout mat is perfect for home exercises, my yoga mat becomes the go-to for outdoor sessions or those impromptu workouts in the park. Its compact size and lightweight design make it incredibly portable, easily rolling up and fitting into a backpack or a tote. It’s fantastic for yoga, pilates, or any routines that don’t require a lot of lateral movement. While it might not offer the same spaciousness as my larger mat, its convenience for travel and adaptability for smaller workout spaces makes it an indispensable part of my fitness gear.

Resistance Bands: Compact and Powerful Essentials for Home Workouts

Compact yet mighty, resistance bands quickly became a staple in my workout routine. Their lightweight and flexible nature made them perfect for adding that extra challenge to exercises, whether I was at home or on the go. Given their varying levels of tension, from light to heavy, I could easily adjust the intensity of my workouts, tailoring each session to my needs.

Beyond basic strength training, resistance bands have proven invaluable for activation exercises, especially before heavy lifting sessions. They help “wake up” and engage specific muscles, ensuring I get the most out of my main workouts. They’re also excellent for refining form and technique in exercises, offering a controlled resistance that weights sometimes can’t.

Another advantage is their role in rehabilitation and stretching. If I ever faced a strain or minor injury, resistance bands aided in gentle rehab exercises, helping restore mobility and strength. For flexibility, they assist in deepening stretches, providing that extra length and leverage to improve overall flexibility.

In essence, resistance bands are more than just simple strips of rubber; they’re versatile tools that have enriched my fitness journey in numerous ways.

Barbell: An Essential Powerhouse for Your Home Gym Setup

In my earlier home gym setup, the barbell was a standout piece of equipment that I truly treasured. A barbell is incredibly versatile, allowing for a plethora of exercises ranging from squats to deadlifts, bench presses to rows. It’s unparalleled when it comes to building raw strength and muscle mass. While I don’t have the space for it in my current gym, its impact on compound movements and overall strength development cannot be understated. If you have the room and are looking to diversify your strength training, a barbell is a worthy investment.

Barbell Pad: Prioritizing Comfort in Your Home Gym

In the ever-evolving fitness realm, certain accessories stand the test of time, proving their worth and indispensability. One such addition is the barbell pad, especially for those who prioritize their comfort and skin’s well-being during heavy lifts.

While lifting heavy weights is undeniably rewarding, it can often be uncomfortable when a barbell presses against sensitive areas like the shoulders during squats or hips in hip thrusts. This discomfort can become a distraction, pulling your focus away from maintaining correct form and technique. Designed to cushion and evenly distribute the weight, a barbell pad steps in to alleviate this problem. Made with high-density foam, it ensures the bar’s pressure doesn’t dig into your body, offering a buffer against potential strains, bruises, or callouses.

Though some current trends might suggest going pad-free, the real essence of lifting isn’t about adhering strictly to trends but ensuring consistent, injury-free workouts. A barbell pad isn’t about sidestepping a hardcore lifting regimen; it’s about listening to one’s body and optimizing every lift for safety and comfort. If you’re passionate about weightlifting in your home gym and aim for the best experience, the barbell pad isn’t just a luxury but an essential. With its easy-to-use design, you can effortlessly wrap it around the barbell whenever needed and store it post-session. To sum it up, if you value both comfort and performance in your lifts, the barbell pad is a must-have for your home gym setup.

Barbell Rack with Dip Station: Dual-function Recommendations for Strength Training

Another gem from my previous home gym was the barbell rack that came equipped with a dip station. This multi-functional rack ensured that I could safely and efficiently load and unload weights while also providing a secure platform for bench presses and squats. The attached dip station was a bonus, offering a fantastic option for targeted tricep workouts and advanced bodyweight exercises. Dips are a fantastic compound movement, engaging not just the arms but also the chest and shoulders. My current gym’s spatial constraints don’t allow me to accommodate this equipment, but if space isn’t a bottleneck for you, I can’t recommend it enough. The combination of a barbell rack and dip station can significantly elevate your home workouts.

Slam Balls: A Versatile Essential for Your Home Gym Routine

A dynamic addition to any home gym, slam balls are designed not just for strength but also for speed and power. Unlike traditional medicine balls, slam balls are meant to be thrown to the ground, providing an effective full-body workout. They are incredibly versatile, and ideal for functional exercises that mimic real-world movements. From overhead throws to squats, lunges, and even wall balls, these balls introduce a unique challenge, amplifying the intensity of workouts. With varying weights available, they cater to both beginners and seasoned fitness enthusiasts.

Adjustable Aerobic Stepper: Cardio Recommendations for Your Home Fitness Space

The adjustable aerobic stepper is a must-have home gym essential for those looking to add variety to their cardio and strength training routines. Its primary function is to facilitate step aerobics, a high-energy workout aimed at improving cardiovascular health and lower body strength. However, its adjustability means that it’s not just for step-ups. By raising or lowering its height, it can be used for a range of exercises, including push-ups, dips, and plyometric jumps. This versatility ensures you can continuously challenge yourself as you progress in your fitness journey, making it an invaluable piece of equipment in any home gym setup.

Adjustable Workout Bench: Tailoring Strength Training in Your Home Gym

An integral component of any comprehensive home gym setup, the adjustable workout bench offers a sturdy platform for a wide array of exercises. Its adjustability makes it especially valuable, allowing for a range of incline, decline, and flat positions. This versatility ensures targeted muscle engagement, be it during chest presses, shoulder workouts, or even ab exercises. Made to support heavy weights, a good bench provides stability, ensuring safety during intense lifting sessions. Additionally, with its padded surface, it offers the right blend of comfort and firmness. Over time, this bench has not only expanded the repertoire of my exercises but has also become a home gym essentials for effective strength training at home.

Bicycle: Home Gym Essential for Cardio and Exploration

While not a conventional piece of “gym” equipment, the bicycle has been pivotal in my fitness journey, offering a delightful mix of cardio and outdoor exploration. Cycling is an excellent way to boost cardiovascular health while also sculpting the legs and glutes.


  • Versatility: You’re not just exercising; you’re commuting, exploring, and even socializing if you join group rides.
  • Low-Impact: Unlike running, cycling is easy on the joints, reducing the risk of injuries.
  • Full Body Workout: Although primarily targeting the legs, maintaining balance and control also engages the core and upper body.


  • Weather Dependent: While it’s perfect on sunny days, rainy or overly cold days can deter outdoor rides.
  • Safety Concerns: Riding in traffic or uneven terrains can pose risks if not cautious.
  • Space: Storing a bike requires space, and if not stored correctly, it can deteriorate faster.

For those days when the weather isn’t cooperating or if outdoor cycling isn’t feasible, incorporating indoor cycling equipment like a Peloton can be a worthy investment. It provides the same cardiovascular benefits without the outdoor challenges. Of course, this would depend on budget constraints and available space, but for a home gym setup, it can be an excellent addition, ensuring consistency in your cardio workouts, rain or shine.

I personally bought the Schwinn Men’s GTX 3 Hybrid Bike from Dick’s sporting goods when there was a shortage during the pandemic in 2021. But there are many bicycle options to choose from depending on your needs.

Fitness Watch: Tracking Your Home Gym Progress and Insights

A fitness watch became a pivotal tool in my fitness journey, offering real-time data that allowed me to monitor and refine my workouts. In my early days, I was loyal to various versions of the Fitbit. Over time, with evolving technology and a wider array of options in the market, I transitioned to the Apple Watch. This shift was largely influenced by my other Apple products, which synchronize flawlessly with the watch. The Apple Watch efficiently tracks heart rate, steps, and even my sleep patterns, providing a comprehensive overview of my health and wellness.

Fitbit vs. Apple Watch: Pros & Cons

  • Fitbit:

    • Pros: Typically more affordable, longer battery life, extensive sleep tracking features, and a community feature for challenges with friends.
    • Cons: Limited third-party app support, certain models lack GPS.
  • Apple Watch:

    • Pros: Seamless integration with other Apple products, vast array of third-party apps, responsive touch screen, and built-in GPS in most models.
    • Cons: More expensive, shorter battery life compared to most Fitbits.

While Fitbit and Apple Watch are heavyweights in the smartwatch arena, there are other viable options available. For instance:

  • Garmin: Known for precise GPS and tracking features, especially favored by runners and cyclists.
  • Samsung Galaxy Watch: Offers a blend of fitness and smart features with a rotating bezel interface.
  • Suunto: Popular among outdoor enthusiasts for its rugged build and precise altitude and weather prediction features.

Ultimately, the best fitness watch is subjective and depends on individual needs, budget, and brand preferences. It’s worth researching and comparing features to find the most suitable match for one’s fitness journey.

Walking Pads & Treadmills: Pacing Your Way to Fitness in Your Home Gym

When considering cardio equipment for a home gym, treadmills often come to mind. With the evolution of compact fitness gear, walking pads have also made their way into the limelight. Both offer unique benefits, catering to different needs and spaces. Hereโ€™s a glance into these two cardio machines, helping you decide which might be the best fit for your fitness space.

Walking Pads


  • Compact Design: Walking pads are generally more streamlined and take up less space than traditional treadmills, making them perfect for smaller homes or apartments.
  • Flexibility: Many are foldable, allowing for easy storage under beds or sofas.
  • Simplicity: They’re often easier to set up and require less maintenance.
  • Cost-effective: Typically, walking pads are more affordable than high-end treadmills.
  • Home Office Ready: Can be seamlessly integrated with standing desks, allowing you to walk while you work.


  • Limited Speed: Walking pads are designed primarily for walking, meaning they might not cater to those looking for high-speed runs.
  • Features: They might not come with advanced features like incline adjustments or pre-set workout programs.



  • Versatility: Treadmills offer a range of speeds, from slow walks to sprints.
  • Advanced Features: Many come with incline settings, heart rate monitors, and pre-set workout programs.
  • Durability: Treadmills are often built to endure heavier use and can last longer with proper maintenance.
  • Effective Training: Suitable for interval training, long-distance runs, and other challenging workouts.
  • Weatherproof Workouts: Perfect for staying active during rainy or unfavorable outdoor conditions.


  • Space: Treadmills are bulkier, requiring more space.
  • Cost: High-quality treadmills can be quite pricey.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure longevity.
  • Safety: Thereโ€™s a higher risk of accidents if not used properly, especially at high speeds.

Making the Choice

When deciding between a walking pad and a treadmill, consider your available space, fitness goals, and budget. If you’re constrained by space or primarily looking for a walking workout, a walking pad might be ideal. However, if you’re aiming for more intensive cardio workouts, including running, a treadmill would be the better choice.

Remember, regardless of your choice, the key is consistency. Whether strolling on a walking pad while watching your favorite show or sprinting on a treadmill, the best equipment is the one that keeps you active and moving towards your fitness goals.

Smart Scale: A Holistic Approach to Monitoring Your Health in the Home Gym

The modern fitness enthusiast knows that progress is about more than just a number on a scale. But that doesn’t mean tracking your weight is irrelevant. Especially with the advent of smart scales, we’ve transitioned from simply noting pounds or kilograms to a more comprehensive understanding of our bodyโ€™s composition.

While muscles do weigh more than fat, it’s crucial to recognize that our overall weight can still be a component of our fitness and health goals. This is where the smart scale shines. Unlike traditional scales, a smart scale provides a plethora of data, from BMI (Body Mass Index) to intricate body composition insights, such as muscle mass, body fat percentage, water content, and more.

The true genius of these scales lies in their seamless connectivity. Many are equipped with integrated apps or can sync with popular health apps like Apple Health. This integration offers users real-time feedback and tracking, enabling them to monitor trends, set goals, and adjust their fitness regimens accordingly.

In essence, if youโ€™re looking for a comprehensive, digital insight into your health and fitness progression right in your home gym, investing in a smart scale is a step in the right direction. Not only does it help monitor weight for those specific goals, but it delves deeper, offering a holistic picture of your well-being.

Bluetooth Speaker: Boosting Your Home Gym Atmosphere

Music has the power to uplift and energize any workout session. Investing in a Bluetooth speaker was a game-changer for my home gym routines, adding that essential beat to keep me going. I opted for the JBL Clip3, not just for its affordability compared to options like the JBL Flip but also for its portability, allowing me to easily take it on my bike rides. The compact design combined with clear sound output made it a perfect fit for my fitness needs.

While I found the JBL Clip3 to be ideal for my requirements, the market is flooded with various popular Bluetooth speaker options, such as:

  • Bose SoundLink: Known for its rich sound quality and durability.
  • UE Boom: Offers 360-degree sound and a robust, waterproof design.
  • Sony SRS-XB12: Compact and waterproof with a punchy bass response.

Choosing the right speaker boils down to individual needs, preferences, and budget. Whatever you opt for, having music on-the-go can make any workout or outdoor activity more enjoyable.6

iPad: Your Digital Coach for Home Gym Workouts

The iPad didn’t just become a screen for me; it evolved into my digital fitness coach. With it, I not only followed along with workout videos but also meticulously tracked my routines and participated in virtual fitness classes. Its larger screen compared to smartphones made viewing workouts much clearer, ensuring I got every movement right. Another plus was the seamless integration with my suite of Apple products, especially my Apple Watch, which allowed for a smooth tracking and data-sharing experience between devices.

While the iPad fit perfectly into my Apple-centric ecosystem, there are other commendable options in the tablet market for fitness enthusiasts:

  • Samsung Galaxy Tab: A solid choice for those embedded in the Samsung or Android ecosystem, the Galaxy Tab offers integration with other Samsung products, like the Galaxy Watch, and often comes at a more affordable price point than the iPad.
  • Amazon Fire Tablet: Especially budget-friendly, it’s a good pick for simple workout tracking and following along with fitness videos, though it may not offer as extensive an app library as iPad or Galaxy Tab.
  • Microsoft Surface Go: For those looking for a bit more than just a tablet experience, it can double as a mini laptop and still provide all the fitness app essentials.

Ultimately, the right choice will hinge on personal brand preference, the devices one already owns, and specific requirements for their fitness journey.

If you’re anything like me, you probably want everything right now! But setting up a home gym isn’t about buying everything all at once. It’s about slowly picking out the right home gym essentialsย that matches what you want from your workouts. When I started, I bought equipment one by one, making sure everything I added was really going to help me out. This way, I didn’t blow my budget, and I made sure everything had its own special role in my workouts.

After a while, I realized that my home gym was saving me a lot of money compared to paying for a gym membership. And even when I had to move to a smaller place and sell some gear (which put some cash back in my pocket), I never regretted setting up my own workout space.

So, if you’re thinking about starting your own home gym or trying to make yours even better, hopefully, the stuff I’ve shared above can help guide you to create a home workout space that’s just right for you.

KiatheCEO, a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Marketing Professional with a focus on empowering women on their home gym fitness journey. With a deep passion for fitness and beauty, KiatheCEO combines her fitness expertise with marketing savvy to provide tailored advice for women looking to achieve their fitness goals in the comfort of their homes. Stay tuned for expert guidance designed to support and inspire women in their home gym fitness journey.

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